Remember the Triangle Fire
Dear Friends,
I’m late this week. We’re in Sarasota and it’s one long weekend. It’s very very
beautiful in Pelican Cove, where we are staying with our good friend Mark
and visiting friends and family. These last few days we’ve watched no news,
just read the paper and swam, thinking often how life can be so many
contradictory parts.
This is the week where we commemorate the Triangle Fire, remembering, and
acting where and how we can. I’m including the official announcement,
written by someone far more clear and rational than I am. Please do join us.
As part of this week's Triangle Fire commemoration activities, there are two special opportunities to support the completion of the Triangle Fire Memorial. Both of these events are free and open to the public -- all donations received go directly toward offsetting the cost of Memorial construction at the Brown Building, now underway. Please join us and share with your networks.
THURSDAY, MARCH 24TH, 7:00 to 7:30 PM
Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition presents a Virtual Benefit for
the Triangle Fire Memorial, with the support of the National Yiddish
Theatre Folksbiene. For more information and to RSVP, click here.
FRIDAY, MARCH 25TH, 11:00 AM TO 1:00 PM
A Triangle Fire Walking History Tour, sponsored by Labor Arts, led by
ILGWU Historian Daniel Katz. Space is limited, reservations required. More information here. RSVP to
Thank you for your support.
Together, we're building the Triangle Fire Memorial.