Aug 20, 2023Liked by Jessica de Koninck

Definitely have favorites and listen with great pleasure—Beatles (not all, but much—just wrote a parody of 'I Will', which I adore, for my infant granddaughter; Aretha; Dolly; Simon and Garfunkel; Motown in general; Barbra S.; and then so much music from the Broadway musicals of the 50s and 60s...and Jiminy Cricket singing "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes"....I'll stop there for the moment.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Jessica de Koninck

Creedence forever!

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A great clip from The Band! Although I have dozens of LPs, I don't have record player! I survive on You Tube. My soundtrack goes back to the 50s, and one of the most relaxing things at night is to watch some of the endless Sha Na Na clips with that extremely talented cast of characters. Here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DX2SxvgkCRo

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I try.....I try....to like music of today if I even know what it is, but it does not satisfy. They all sound the same. Maybe our times embed their way into our DNA and we are stuck. However, my 19 year old grandson loves all the music from my day and his father's Day and nothing from today. Was it always this way through the centuries that a moment comes when ...a line we are unable to cross ..... and we can't take in anymore ? Will have to do some research....but how will I do that.?

jean mensing

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