I so much like the concept of doing things that make you feel like yourself. I’ve been trying to write (I mean trying for years) about what “me” time means. I have very little patience with the concept as generally presented; I’m more likely to think of writing postcards to voters as “me” time - that is, me *doing* me rather than me *doing for* me. Maybe I’ll get there some day, but probably I’m too lazy to keep trying.

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Love this. Aging is difficult. It seems to me first the recognition and mourning that this too will happen to me. Then it is what we make it if we are able. Your father in law reminds me of my friends father who ended up in a home for those with Alzheimer's Ds. He was lost and angry and violent if an aide came into his room, as he felt he was protecting his home. But once they worked with him and he got the job of cleaning the dinning room up sweeping and such he was a happy worker! (as long as no one touched to moved his cleaning utensils (broom etc). He enjoyed life as much as anyone can with that disease. He had a job a purpose! Whether we do "enjoyable things", or have a job.

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I appreciate these words Thanks.

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I appreciate these words.Thanks

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